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Kayla Lewis

ABOUT ME and my PP

For my personal project I decided to attempt to write a song. In the past, I have started, however never finished a complete song. I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to learn and complete a song, due to the research and inquiries that were required for the personal project. I researched how to produce, write and compose, all things essential for songwriting, while also consulting other sources for insight, such as the music teacher for assistance. 

In previous years I had taken piano lessons for a year before I stopped in 2016. From then I decided to teach piano to myself in the following years with online videos from various sources, YouTube for example. 


"if you let me run away with you, I know I would."

Candy Cotton


My reason for choosing this product is because I love music. I love poems and literature as well so I thought it may be fun to attempt song writing as my personal project product. This project was a mandatory topic and therefore assisted me in completing it, in order to meet the deadline in time. I thought it would be a valuable opportunity to pick the song writing as a product, due to my previously mentioned points and in my quick judgement it would be the most enjoyable to execute.  




In order to create a successful song it is important that the lyrics flow and are easily understandable to the listener. with that, the piano melody need to be consistent and catchy with the same characteristics of the lyrics.


The song should exceed the one minute in order for it to be fully considered a song.   


It is important that the lyrics have a good flow and they make sense, and it does not confuse the listener.

Process taking action

In the process taking action I decided that I would be working on my product everyday to every other day. this was not a realistic goal considering the other work that I had to complete on the side, relating to other school work, not the personal project. with that, in reality I progressed with my product every 2 - 6 days. 

the materials that were need to execute the product were a piano and a book in which I could write down lyric idea . obviously with writing many people experience a writers block. In my case this went on for about 2 weeks where anything I thought of was not good enough to use. In an attempt to disregard my writers block I decided to read to clergies my mind and maybe continue working, this helped me a fraction but enough to get me back into a writing flow. In my own fault however, I left my product to the last minute and therefore affected the outcome, to degrade to quality than if I were to work continuously further improving. 


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